

作者:谷主2020 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:29.2万


书名:最后的秘境五幽灵岛 作者:谷主2020 字数:14083 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:34:11


问天回答道:“The atlantean civilization,the forerunner of the mayan civilization.The four prehistoric civilizations on the earth have experienced a long development course of nearly tens of thousands of years,and they have successively entered the golden age of empire.Among them,the atlantean civilization absorbed the characteristics of the knot text and created the magical mayan hieroglyphics.The knot text of this period has developed into a three-dimensional or multidimensional spatial graphic symbol.Most of these symbols describe people or events in real life,most of which are images of geography,mountains,astronomy,stars,plants and animals.After Atlantis acquired such a text,it was carved on a flat surface,gradually evolving into a flat text symbol.So the mayan secret,according to these principles,is very easy to.(亚特兰蒂斯文明,也就是玛雅文明的前身。传说中,地球上的四大史前文明经历了近乎几万年漫长发展历程,四大史前文明都相继进入了帝国式的鼎盛时期。其中,亚特兰蒂斯文明吸纳了绳结文的特点,创建了神奇的玛雅象形文字。这时期的绳结文字已经发展成为一种三维或是多维的空间图形符号。这些符号多为描述人们现实生活中的人物或事件,大多为地理、山川、天文、星河、动植物等形象。亚特兰蒂斯获取这样的文字之后,将其刻画在平面上,逐渐演变成为一种平面文字符号。因此玛雅文的秘密,根据这些原理,是很容易被解读的。这足见亚特兰蒂斯帝国当时的强大影响力。)”

“So it was!(原来竟是如此啊!)”五人一齐点头。

“The legendary lemurian civilization was also at war among tribes on the lemurian continent of Oceania.Legend has it that the continent was hit by a massive eruption of volcanoes 80,000 years ago,which wiped out the human race in southern Asia,the whole of India and southeast Asia.(传说中的利莫里亚文明在大洋洲的利莫里亚大陆之上,同样也发生着部族战争。而传说中,这片大陆曾经在八万年前遭遇过火山群大爆发,亚洲南部、整个印度和南洋地区人类一度遭遇了灭顶之灾。)”

“The muria civilization,whose inheritors are said to have all their power from nature,and their people have the ability to communicate with nature.But the legend is not widespread,all know very few people.(穆里亚文明,据说该文明的传承者拥有的力量都来自于大自然,其族人也拥有与大自然沟通的能力。但传说不广,所以知道的人很少。)”

“The shennong civilization was founded by the shennong empire of China,a tribe of the descendants of the red emperor.It is the most widely spread prehistoric civilization empire in the central plains.The shennong empire was a closed continental empire.It was also the only empire without a colony.The shennong empire had very few contacts with other countries,and the historical traces of the interaction between imperial civilizations could only be found in the fairy tales and the book of mountains and seas.In addition to the remaining traces of the four great prehistoric civilizations in China's classic of mountains and seas,what has been handed down are wonderful and incomplete fairy tales.(神农文明就是属于中国的神农帝国,属于赤帝后裔的一支神农氏部族所建立的。是中原流传最广的史前文明帝国。神农帝国是一个封闭的大陆性帝国。这也是一个唯一没有建立殖民地的帝国。神农帝国与各国的往来十分稀少,帝国文明交互往来的历史遗迹仅能从神话故事和《山海经》中寻找到蛛丝马迹。四大史前文明存在的历史遗迹,除了中国的《山海经》中还残存着一些蛛丝马迹之外,流传下来的就是那些奇妙而不完整的神话故事。)”

“Legend has it that in the 1200 BC,when the four great civilisations and empires were at their height,disaster would strike again.This time it was a buildup of forces from the earth's interior that caused the planet to expand dramatically again,with earthquakes,volcanoes,tsunamis,hurricanes,and torrential rains raging around the globe for hundreds of years.The atlantean civilization sank as a whole in this disaster,surviving only a few backward tribes high in the mountains,the descendants of the mayans.After the destruction of atlantean civilization,this tribe once again established the Salisury civilization,and finally made the ancient mayan civilization brilliant again.(传说在西元前一千二百年间,就在四大文明帝国进入鼎盛期时,地球上又一次将灾难降临。这一次是来自地球内部蓄积的力量,地球再一次出现剧烈膨胀,一时间,地震、火山、海啸、飓风、暴雨肆虐全球,这一时期持续时间长达数百年之久。亚特兰蒂斯文明在这场灾难中整体沉没,仅在高山之上幸存下来一些落后部落,这就是玛雅人的后裔。这支部族在亚特兰蒂斯文明毁灭后,曾一度又重新建立起了索尔兹伯里文明,最终成就了古代玛雅文明的再次辉煌。)”

“The continent of lemuria broke up in the disaster,the central region of lemuria sank,and the northern and eastern regions broke up into islands.There were few survivors as the volcano raged and storms raged.(利莫里亚大陆在灾难中裂解,利莫里亚中心区域沉陷,北部和东部地区裂解成为群岛。由于火山恣肆,暴雨飓风肆虐,幸存者几乎没有。)”

“In this disaster,the muria continent broke up one after another,breaking up huge parts and finally being lost in the huge waves and tsunamis.Very few people survived the devastating disaster.(穆里亚大陆也在这场灾难中纷纷裂解,绝大部分解体离析,最终被巨浪海啸所湮没得无影无踪。在这场毁灭性的大灾难中,能够幸存逃离的也十分稀少。)”

“In the devastating disaster,atlantean civilization,the lemurian civilization,in the civilization all also suffered destruction,only far in shennong civilization was preserved in mainland China,but also by the tsunamis,hurricanes,heavy rains and ash,disease and plague epidemic,finally achieved the shennong grass bouquet of myth.These are the so-called wounds of civilization.Since then,the four prehistoric civilizations on the earth have become legends.(在这场毁灭性的大灾难中,亚特兰蒂斯文明、利莫里亚文明、穆里亚文明都同样遭到了灭顶之灾,只有远处于中国大陆的神农文明得以保存了下来,却也受到海啸、飓风、暴雨和火山灰的肆虐,疾病和瘟疫流行,最终成就了《神农百草经》的神话。这些,就是所谓的文明之殇,从此,地球上的四大史前文明,也就成为了传说。)”


托雷斯和弗兰克更是佩服得五体投地,一齐说道:“Xiao eldest brother!You are a god in our hearts!(萧大哥!你简直就是我们心中的神!)”

问天笑着摇头:“These are just legends.(这些,只不过都是传说而已。)”






弗兰克疑惑地问道:“In this way,then,the earth is not every once in a while,there will be a major disaster.(以这样推测的话,那么,地球上是不是每隔一段时间,就会发生一次大灾难?)”

高晓飞也不由得说道:“I think prehistoric civilization exists,although there is no evidence,but the earth has experienced billions of years of time,and human only took tens of thousands of years to produce civilization,from the probability,prehistoric civilization must exist.(史前文明我觉得是存在的,虽然没有什么证据,但是,地球经历了几十亿年的时间,而人类只用了几万年就产生了文明,从概率上说,史前文明肯定存在。)”

凯丽分析道:“Since human beings began to be called human beings,the total development so far is more than three million years,and the age of the earth is said to have 4.6 billion years,although not accurate,if so calculated,compared to the time of human existence is at most a fraction of the earth is less than,the fraction should be thousands of years this level.Therefore,the history of human development is too **all.If the earth's 4.6 billion years are divided into countless segments of 3 million years,it can probably be divided into more than 1,300 segments.Apart from this time of our existence,is there no civilization during the other 1,300 or so segments?I don't think so.In that sense,prehistoric civilization must exist.(从人类开始被称为人类算起,发展迄今总共约三百多万年,而地球的年纪却据说有四十六亿年,虽然不一定准确,如果就按这样算,相对比一下,人类存在的时间顶多算是地球一个零头还不到,零头都应该是千万年这个级别。所以,人类的发展历史实在是过于渺小。如果把地球的四十六亿年分成无数个三百万年的小段,大概能分出来一千三百多个小段,除了我们生存的这个时间小段以外,难道其它一千三百多个小段期间,就没有出现过文明吗?我认为不可能,以此说来,史前文明肯定存在。)”

雪莉也跟着分析道:“In the history of the earth,there have been several great extinction events,which almost wiped out all living things.There are many direct evidences of periodic catacly**ic events on the earth.According to the evidence found,prehistoric human civilization was destroyed by various catacly**ic events.These include earthquakes,floods,volcanoes,impacts of alien bodies(including meteorites and comets),the rise and fall of continental plates,abrupt changes in climate,and so on.Therefore,some scholars have put forward the theory of multiple prehistoric civilizations.They believe that there were multiple prehistoric civilizations on the earth,which were periodic and different civilizations existed on the earth in different periods.I also think it is logical.(在地球历史上,曾发生过几次特大的灭绝事件,几乎灭绝了所有的生物。地球周期性灾变的直接证明非常多,从已发现的证据看,史前人类文明曾因各种灾变而毁灭。这包括地震、洪水、火山、外来星体(包括陨石、彗星)碰撞、大陆板块的升降、气候突变等等。因此,一些学者提出了多次史前文明的理论,认为地球上曾经有过多次史前文明,是周期性的,不同时期的地球存在不同的文明,我也认为符合逻辑。)”

凯丽沉思了一下,说:“In western records,legends about prehistoric civilization originated from myths,legends and religious classics,which were regarded as false and refuted by the academic circles.Since the European Renaissance,the academic community has embarked on such a road and made a series of achievements.Logically speaking,to think that prehistoric civilization is true is to admit that what is recorded in religious classics is true,and that the content of religious discourse is indeed,to a large extent,absurd.(在西方的记载中,关于史前文明的传说,最早来源于神话、传说,以及宗教经典,学界认为虚妄而加以批驳。从欧洲文艺复兴开始,学界就走上了这么一条道路,并取得一系列的成就。以逻辑判断,如果认为史前文明是真的,就等于承认宗教经典记载的是事实,而宗教论述的内容,确实在极大程度上荒诞不经。)”

问天听着他们的分析、评论,微笑着说:“Did prehistoric civilization exist?There is too little evidence left for measurement techniques to prove.Today,archaeological prediction techniques can only measure the approximate range within 5,000 years,beyond which nothing can be done.(史前文明是否存在?所遗留的证据太少,测量技术尚不能证明。现如今,考古预测远古年代的技术只能测量五千年之内的大概范围,超过这个限度就无能为力了。)”

托雷斯说道:“If prehistoric civilization had existed,it would have been more than just Atlantis that sank beneath the ocean floor!(如果史前文明真的存在,那么沉没在海底下的,就不止是亚特兰帝斯古城了!)”

问天点了点头:“It has been found that there are some ancient cities under the sea.As far as I know,there are several ancient cities under the sea:the ancient city of Alexandria in Egypt,the golden city in cambay,India,the temple at the bottom of covanpa lake in Thailand,the underwater pyramid in Japan and naguni island,the boulder ruins in Havana,Cuba,and the underwater landscape in the north sea in Europe.But these are recorded ancient civilizations,not prehistoric civilizations.(已发现沉在海底下面的古城还真的有,据我所知就有好几处:埃及亚历山大水下古城、印度坎贝湾黄金城、泰国科万帕瑶湖底寺庙、日本与那国岛水下金字塔、古巴哈瓦那巨石废墟、欧洲北海水下景观。但这些,都是有历史记载的古文明,并不是史前文明。)”

弗兰克疑惑地问道:“If the ancient underwater city we have discovered is the product of prehistoric civilization,how could it survive so long?(如果说,我们所发现的这座海底古城,就是史前文明的产物,那么它又怎么能够保存得这么久?)”

问天解释道:“The ancient city is mainly built with boulders,which can be preserved for a very long time under the water.Moreover,because the ancient city is attached to an active volcano,the underwater temperature is kept at more than 20 degrees all the year round,just like a hotbed.Such warm water does not corrode the building at all.(这一点还是可以的,古城主要是以巨石建筑,在水下可以保存非常久的时间,而且,由于古城依附着一坐活火山,水底温度常年保持在二十多度之间,就像一张温床,这样的温水对于建筑根本就没有任何的腐蚀。)”

高晓飞感叹道:“The earth is wonderful,the universe is wonderful!(这地球太奇妙,宇宙也太奇妙了!)”

问天感叹道:“Perhaps,we are really just a traveler on the earth,do not know how many times the so-called civilization has appeared on the earth,but,the human beings have no way to investigate it!(或许,我们真只是地球上的过客,前面不知道有过多少次所谓的文明在地球上出现过,只不过,人类无从考察罢了!)”

托雷斯摊开双手,耸了耸肩膀,也摇着头感叹道:“Oh god,it's just too complicated!(噢,上帝,这真是太过复杂了!)”

问天感叹道:“Perhaps, human understanding of the earth mostly stay on the surface, more descriptive, more speculation, less direct observation of the earth's own movement lack of understanding, so that it is extremely difficult to understand the phenomenon of prehistoric civilization!(或许,人类对于地球的理解大多停留于表面,描述性多、猜测多、直接观察少,对地球自身运动缺乏了解,以致极难理解史前文明的现象!)”

凯丽默默地点了点头,说道:“Most of the reports about prehistoric civilizations have been exaggerated or even falsified.Under the condition of modern science and technology, few people still believe in ancient religious myth, and the combination of prehistoric civilization and alien civilization is gradually becoming a new belief to replace religious myth.(大部分关于史前文明的报道,都有人为夸大,甚至弄虚作假的成分。在现代科学技术条件下,仍然信仰古代宗教神话的人已经很少,史前文明和外星文明这两种文明的结合正在逐渐成为替代宗教神话的新信仰。)”

高晓飞接口道:“That's right!Especially in China, where marxist athei** has been popularized since childhood, young people generally do not believe in gods. On the basis of scientific knowledge, the combination theory of prehistoric civilization and alien civilization concocted just avoids the contradiction between myths and legends that cannot satisfy modern science and technology.(说得对!尤其是在从小普及马克思主义无神论的中国,年轻人普遍不信神,在科学知识基础上,炮制出的史前文明和外星文明结合论,刚好避开了神话传说无法满足现代科技的矛盾。)”

雪莉感慨道:“The universe is an amazing existence. What is the universe?It has always been a mystery to human civilization, and has therefore attracted generations to explore it.(宇宙是个很神奇的存在,宇宙到底是什么?对人类文明来说始终是个谜,因此也是吸引了一代又一代人不断地去探索。)”

凯丽分析道:“It should be said that everything we know is in the universe, but the boundary of the universe is still uncertain.Life has not yet been discovered in the universe other than earth.The universe is so full of energy that humans have no control over it.According to the most convincing theory, the universe was created in a big bang and is still expanding.The universe created a lot of planets in this explosion, a lot of galaxies, the earth is in the Milky Way, and there are countless other galaxies like this.(应该说,我们所知的所有事物都处在宇宙当中,但宇宙的边界人类至今还无法确定。除了地球之外的宇宙还没发现有生物的存在。宇宙中充满了各种能量,人类还没办法掌控。根据现在最有说服力的学说,宇宙是在一次大爆炸中产生的,并且还处于不断地膨胀中。宇宙在这次爆炸中产生了很多的行星,很多的星系,地球就处在银河系之中,像这样的星系还有无以数计。)”

高晓飞:“In my understanding, the universe is made up of space, time, matter and energy of unity, is the sum of all the space and time, the general understanding of the universe, is that we are a continuous system of time and space in between all of the material, energy and events, for the overall explanation of the system, will constitute the co**ology.(以我的理解,宇宙是由空间、时间、物质和能量所构成的统一体,是一切空间和时间的总合,一般理解的宇宙,就是指我们所存在的一个时空连续系统,包括其间的所有物质、能量和事件,对于这一体系的整体解释,也就构成了宇宙论。)”

凯丽默默地点了点头:“In recent centuries, many scientists have established a modern scientific theory of the universe, called physical co**ology, based on modern physics and astronomy.(近数世纪以来,很多的科学家根据现代物理学和天文学,建立了关于宇宙的现代科学理论,称为物理宇宙学。)”

问天静静地听着他们辩论,若有所思了一会,笑了笑说:“In fact,we can think of it a little more simply,we might as well think of the universe as a giant creature,the planet is a cell,human is a virus,when one day human war,and thus out of the earth,or out of the solar system,it shows that the virus has spread.At this time,the universe this creature took some medicine,all the virus was wiped out,the universe's disease is also good.But after a while,new viruses emerge and the universe suffers from other diseases.Perhaps,this is the so-called periodicity,different periods of the earth,there are different civilizations.And so on and so on,until this universe dies,breaks down into other universes,and the virus reappears in other universes.(其实,我们也可以想得更简单一点,我们不妨把宇宙看成是一个巨大的生物,星球就是细胞,人类是病毒,当有一天人类不断地发生战争,从而走出地球,或是走出了太阳系,这就说明,是病毒扩散了。这个时候,宇宙这个生物就吃了点药,所有病毒就被消灭了,宇宙的病也就好了。但过了一段时间,又会出现新的病毒,宇宙又得了其它的病。或许,这就是所谓的周期性,不同时期的地球,就存在着不同的文明。如此周而复始,直到这个宇宙死亡,被分解成为其它宇宙的养分,病毒又会在别的宇宙出现。)”(未完待续)